"Really look forward to how the list will develop. Videodrome isn't scary per se, but that doesn't keep it ftom being horrific in other ways."

"AWESOME! And that was quick!! I'm so happy that you got a chance to catch it so soon. Glad that you also took notice of how amazing Kendrick was. This is the type of movie in which one could easily "

"Thanks so much for the nice mention and compliment on my review! Glad to see you made one of these lists. Look forward to reading your future entries and reviews. :)"

"I know you've only added one film, but it's Brick, so I can't wait to vote later, haha. Very glad that you loved it. It's on my DVD collection. As for 50/50, my only warning is that, on certain levels"

"My thoughts exactly on Paradise Lost 2. But still really look forward to Purgatory."

"I saw the first Transformers, and the torture was enough to make me stay the hell away from the subsequent movies."

"Not surprisingly, you've produced yet another one of the best music lists on this site. And very glad to see RATM get some love."

"Look forward to your future additions, but with Pink Floyd on the list, you get my vote easily. :)"

"Haha, it looks like we agree on straightforward superhero movies, but not so much when it comes to these dark, satirical takes on the genre. Roger Ebert has said that satires and spoofs are the harde"

"This is overflowing with awesome selections, not least of which are The Departed, No Country for Old Men, Little Miss Sunshine, Inglourious Basterds, Minority Report, United 93, Finding Nemo and Benja"

"So glad that Brick is right at the top of this list, and that Gone Baby Gone is up there as well."

"All right, we'll see if, like all my other friends, you become a Benjamin Button hater. I feel so alone in ABSOLUTELY LOVING that film, so I'll be very interested in hearing your thoughts, regardless "

"Thanks man! Yeah, the confounding thing about the last act of Get Low is that Duvall's performance is absolutely devastating, but the information that his character communicates isn't equally devasta"

"Great list. Deliver us from Evil is one terrific, haunting documentary."

"This may be my favorite of all the "Favorite Movie Characters" lists. Thumbs up especially for including Peter and Pickford, both of whom probably won't get credit on other lists, despite being great "

"Actually, I didn't say anything about the "Eat my shit" plot line in my review because... I knew I had some sort of reservation, but I had no idea what it was. But what you said in your comment made "

"Finally had time to sit down and sift through these! MUST-SEE: -All About Eve (there's no way you won't love it) -Bonnie & Clyde -Brokeback Mountain -Crimes & Misdemeanors -Kramer vs. Kramer -NETWOR"

"Wow, I've only seen six of them, though I've always been interested in watching Zoo, "weird" as that may make me seem. Good job, I'll have to look for some of these."

"I miss "At the Movies" with Ebert. :( Great work, Johan!"

"I'm one of those people who also liked the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean film more than most other people, and there's no doubt that it's thanks to Johnny Depp. His irreverence in several scenes was s"

"Not only is there a wallop of insight here on your taste in music, but there are also some incredibly entertaining stories to read. Instead of limiting yourself to talking about what you love about mu"

"Yes!! You saw Capturing the Friedmans. The craziest thing about it is that Andrew Jarecki was actually setting out to make a documentary about David Friedman's profession as a clown/entertainer, and"

"Thanks so much for the multiple commendations! And it's definitely mutual - in fact, the very first item on this list reminded me that, if it weren't for your top 10 of '09, I'd probably still be mis"

"Those two scenes from Before Sunrise (especially the pretend phone call) are among my favorite moments in cinema. Awesome list!"

"Glad that you appreciate Solondz's work, especially Storytelling, which I think doesn't get the credit it deserves. It's a fantastic film that I've been wanting to rewatch for some time. Happiness i"

"Glad that someone else appreciated Scream 4 as much as I did. It'd be hard for anything to ever equal the first one, but for people who've always loved the franchise, Scream 4 is pure wicked delight."